Weekly Goals #3

My goal last week was to continue to write down everything that I ate but include calories, protein, fat, etc, which i both succeed and failed at. I got the calories for the week but not the rest of it. I was having trouble getting it down for everything I was eating, especially when it was my own recipes. Rather than constantly stressing about it, I recorded only the calories.

I averaged about 1,655 calories a day throughout the week. Thinking back to what I was eating daily throughout the last couple months, I’m confident this is 500 calories or more than my previous daily average. I think I’ll eventually need to keep it closer to 1,500, but for now I’m happy with the changes I’m making.

Now, for this week’s goal: 7 days of healthy.

For the past two weeks, my eating and exercise as been spot on Monday-Thursday but as soon as the weekend hits, all bets are off. My goal is to incorporate exercise and healthy eating into all seven days of the week.

Keep your fingers crossed for a sunny Saturday next week so I can ride my bike!

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